The Best of 2022
Showcase Reel
Awkward Adam
Awkward Adam was a project I worked on in the US Army. We were simply tasked with creating a video to showcase our present knowledge, and this was that child.
Roles: cameraman, DP, director, and editor
3 The Pod Way
This video showcases the benefits of motion graphics through captions. Statistically, videos with captions do better than those without as you have the ability to:
• Reach a larger audience
• Retain audiences in public locations
• Attain better SEO
Role: editor
Independence Day
This was created using stock footage entirely, but spliced together masterfully to create a heart-felt story of a soldier through his life. This is an excellent example of what you can do with the power of story-telling through video editing.
Role: editor
Risk of Rain
Are you more of a YouTuber type? This one is better for you. This was created between myself and a few friends playing a video game we enjoy. I urge you to pay close attention to the editing style and effects!
Role: talent, editor
6 Areas You Need to Delegate Now
For all you corporate folk out there, this was a promotional video created for a client with the intention of generating leads.
Role: editor