Haunting Memories of a Decrepit Mill

A forgotten stuffed bunny lies decaying in a decrepit abandoned cotton mill in Bellemont NC

It was 'take your kid to work' day at the mill. Jim took his son, Billy to the mill to show him around. Billy was so ecstatic to see all the big, scary machines in every which direction. Some stationary, breathless; others chugging with life as they spit out necessary components for the process. However, there was another child. Not one of the kids that a parent brought to work, no; this one was different. Transparent? No, it couldn't be. That made no sense. Yet there he stood, dressed in dated clothing and riding his dated tricycle. This was no living child, rather a ghost of the past. How did he die? What remains of his family? Billy tugged on his father's coat for attention, pointing in the direction of the ghastly child. When Jim looked, nothing was there.

James Macar

James Macar is an up and coming photographer from Fayetteville NC. He produces multiple types of photography, specializing in abandoned architecture, street photography, and boudoir.


The Expensive Doll


Theatre of One