The House on Highway 73

"Don't, Jared!" Jeanie cried out. Jared walked in anyway, making a face. He loved spooky things, and what better place than the notorious House on Highway 73

The House on Highway 73 was rumored to be haunted. Old Man Frank used to live here. He was found dead in his chair on the porch, a cigarette still in his fingers.

Minutes passed in silence as both Jared and Jeanie stood looking around, waiting for a sign of other-worldly activity. When nothing happened, Jared quickly yelled "Boo" causing Jeanie to jump in a fright. The second he did so, the front door behind them slammed closed. Their screams filled the night as the ghost of Old Man Frank showed yet another band of teenagers why they shouldn't come into his home.

This is a theoretical possibility that I thought up -- something that may or may not have happened; a story based on a photo I took.

James Macar

James Macar is an up and coming photographer from Fayetteville NC. He produces multiple types of photography, specializing in abandoned architecture, street photography, and boudoir.

The Lost Bunny


Frank’s Chair