The Lost Bunny

A tattered stuffed bunny rests next to clutter in an unfinished house before it was deserted.

Billy awoke to hear his father crying. He didn't know what was wrong, but knew that his father needed consolation. He left his bed and went to the living room. His father sat, hands clasped in his hair. "Daddy?" Billy commiserated. "Billy, hey buddy. I'm ok. Daddy's ok." He knew Billy wouldn't understand what the housing market crash meant, or how it affected them. It was troubling knowing he had to stay strong even though he was losing everything. "We have to leave tomorrow Billy. Pack what you need. You can bring 2 toys with." The next day, as they started out, Billy didn't realize that stuffles, the stuffed bunny his mom gave him before she was lost to cancer, had fallen quietly out of his backpack. The drive to Florida without stuffles would be the hardest drive for either Billy or his father.

This is a theoretical possibility that I thought up -- something that may or may not have happened; a story based on a photo I took.

James Macar

James Macar is an up and coming photographer from Fayetteville NC. He produces multiple types of photography, specializing in abandoned architecture, street photography, and boudoir.

His First Car


The House on Highway 73