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A bunny sits within a strange machine with a strange code

“What is the big idea, George?” Jim asked aggressively. “What are all these numbers?”
”Jim - Jim - Jim. Listen to me. I’m going to tell you something and I need you to try very hard to believe me.” George impressed. Jim gave a sigh and a cynical look.
”Ok George. What is it?”
”Listen to me. There’s been voices in my head. I know they’re aliens, and they gave me this string of numbers. It means something. I know it, I just don’t know what yet.” George panicked. Jim stood there confused for a minute before he turned and began walking away. “Wait, Jim! Where are you going?” George exclaimed.
”George. Listen to yourself. You need to go to a mental institution. I’m going to call the authorities.” Jim turned back and left George stunned and alone. George went back to his mission to figure out the mystery. He began engraving the string of numbers into the machine beside him. The moment he finished, a blinding light emitted from the building, alerting Jim to quickly check on his friend. George was nowhere to be found, yet a strange knitted bunny was left in his place.

James Macar

James Macar is an up and coming photographer from Fayetteville NC. He produces multiple types of photography, specializing in abandoned architecture, street photography, and boudoir.


Theatre of One


A Chair’s Thoughts on Earth’s Reclaimation